Fabián A. Bombardelli, A.M.ASCE; Andrea
E. González; and Yarko I. Niño.
Several numerical simulations of bed-load sediment
transport in open channels have satisfactorily estimated the global
amount of material put into motion, and have provided information on
the characteristics of sediment particle trajectories (Wiberg and Smith
1985; Sekine and Kikkawa 1992; Niño and García 1994; Lee
and Hsu 1994; Niño and García 1998; Schmeeckle and Nelson
2003; Lukerchenko et al. 2006; Lee et al. 2006). In these studies, the
flow field has been specified via either the semilogarithmic laws for
turbulent open-channel flows (Niño and García 1994,
1998), or through velocity measurements (Schmeeckle and Nelson 2003).
In turn, the acceleration of the particles has been described using Lagrangian
models that consider all forces associated with the motion. One of the
forces that may act on a given particle is the Basset force (Niño
and García 1994, 1998; Mordant and Pinton 2000; Lukerchenko et
al. 2006), which addresses the temporal delay in the development of the
boundary layer surrounding the particle as a consequence of changes in
the relative velocity (Crowe et al. 1998). This force is usually called
the “history” force (Crowe et al. 1998). Although several
authors have disregarded the Basset force in their models of bed-load
transport [see for instance, Wood and Jenkins (1973); Lee and Hsu (1994);
Schmeeckle and Nelson (2003)], there is recent evidence that the
history force becomes important for relatively small particle sizes,
i.e., for relatively small explicit particle Reynolds numbers, Rp=(Rgdp3)0.5 /υ,
where R=(ρs/ρ)-1, ρ and ρs=
fluid and particle density, respectively; g = acceleration of
gravity; dp= particle diameter, and υ=kinematic
viscosity of water. Comparisons of numerical results with laboratory
observations have shown that while the Basset force is negligible for
gravels moving as bedload [with Rp of the order of 20,000; Niño
and García (1994)], it becomes
extremely important for sands [with Rp of the order of 100; Niño
and García (1998)]. When the Basset force is neglected in the
case of sands, the length of a single particle jump can be underpredicted
by about 40%, and the jump height can be underpredicted by about 15%
[Fig. 2 in Niño and García (1998)]. These
differences can accumulate for multiple jumps and lead to very large
errors in computations of transport. Mordant and Pinton (2000) in turn
performed laboratory tests of spheres settling in water, with diameters
ranging from 0.5 to 6 mm, and fall (limit) velocities varying from 0.07
to 1.16 m/s. They found that the Basset force needs to be included in
the Lagrangian models in order to correctly describe the particle acceleration
when the particle Reynolds number is smaller than 4,000 [given by Rep=wsdp /ν,
where ws=particle fall (limit) velocity]. This result
is in accord with the findings of Niño and García (1994,
1998). In addition, consistent with the above results, Armenio and Fiorotto
(2001) found that the Basset force is appreciable for Rep of the order
of, and smaller than, 1, for a large range of density ratios.
In Lagrangian
models, the evaluation of the Basset force can be extremely time consuming
and requires the storage of the relative acceleration of the particle,
which can make the simulation very demanding in terms of computer memory.
Michaelides (1992) recast the linear equations of particle motion using
Laplace transforms. He also employed “canonical” velocity
fields to simplify the analysis, and presented a novel procedure to reduce
the computational cost of the Basset force. Obviously, his procedure
does not apply to nonlinear equations, or to random fields, which prevail
in flumes and rivers. In this technical note, we present and discuss
a method to reduce the computation time and the memory requirements of
the Basset force.