Dr. Fabián A. Bombardelli is currently the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and of RIBAGUA, the International Journal of Water of Iberoamerica, IAHR. He is the former Gerald T. and Lillian P. Orlob Endowed Professorship in Water Resources (2017-2022), at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of California, Davis (UC Davis). Bombardelli is a leader in the development of new theoretical and numerical models for multi-phase flows, as well as in their observation in the laboratory and the field. Bombardelli received a degree in Hydraulic Engineering from the National University of La Plata, Argentina; a Master degree in "Numerical Simulation and Control" by the University of Buenos Aires, also in Argentina; and a PhD by the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, United States, under the supervision of Prof. Marcelo Garcia. Prior to his move to the States, he was a Researcher in Numerical Models at the National Water Institute for seven years. Since 2004, Bombardelli is a Professor (now Full with tenure) at UC Davis.
Bombardelli is widely known for his numerous contributions to the field of environmental fluid mechanics. He is a pioneer in the development and use of computational fluid dynamics for hydraulic structures, and in the application of the phenomenological theory of turbulence to hydraulics. He has provided a length scale for bubble plumes, and developed comprehensive theoretical/numerical two-phase flow models for sediment transport in open channels. Bombardelli proposed an innovative method to compute the Basset force, and described numerically coherent structures of flow in stepped spillways. Still as a student, he put forward a demonstration of Manning's formula based on turbulence ideas. In addition, he has developed applied research on water bodies in California. He has published in major research journals of physics, hydraulic engineering and water resources. He has more than 70 publications in these journals and more than 160 articles in total. Bombardelli's research has been supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the Department of Water Resources (DWR) of California, the Department of Pesticide Regulation of California, among other federal, and state agencies, and private companies.
Dr. Bombardelli is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Environmental Fluid Mechanics since 2011; Associate Editor of the Journal of Hydro-environment and Research, since 2018; and member of the Review Committee of the Int. Journal of Sediment Research. He has received numerous recognitions such as the Best Reviewer Award of the IAHR (Willi Hager Award, 2011), Outstanding Reviewer of the ASCE (2011), the Awards as Outstanding Advisor in Civil Engineering (ASCE, 2015), and Outstanding Advisor in Civil Engineering of the State of California (2015), the Young Alumni Award of the University of Illinois in 2015, Featured Article in Physics of Fluids (2018 and 2024), EWRI Fellow in 2021, and various awards as a student in Illinois. 14 students have graduated with doctorates and 31 as Master under the supervision of Prof. Bombardelli. He has also worked as a consultant for the government of Argentina and for the United Nations in Peru, in 2011 and 2013, proposing systems of cascades for the very polluted Matanza-Riachuelo, Buenos Aires. He has delivered seminars and keynote lectures in many universities and conferences worldwide. Very recently, Bombardelli has been inducted as a Member of the Academy of Engineering of Buenos Aires State, Argentina (2022), and received a Doctor Honoris Causa from his Alma Mater (2023).
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2004 |
Ph.D. in "Civil and Environmental Engineering," CEE, University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign (UIUC), USA (May 2004; defended on September 15, 2003). GPA: 4.0 (perfect score). The CEE Department of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is usually ranked as number one or two by the US News and Reports in CEE. Dissertation title: "Turbulence in multiphase models for aeration bubble plumes." Advisor: Prof. Marcelo H. García, M. T. Geoffrey Yeh Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Director of the Ven Te Chow Hydrosystems Laboratory; Co-advisor: Prof. Gustavo C. Buscaglia, formerly, Balseiro Institute, Argentina. This research focused on the physics and numerical representation of bubble plumes. It consisted on the development of novel theoretical and numerical models, based on the theory of multicomponent fluids, for an accurate representation of turbulence phenomena in aeration bubbly flows, where mass-transfer processes are of major importance. It involved measurements of bubble plumes in a large tank (at the Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District), mathematical modeling, simulations with a one-dimensional (1D) code, and parallel numerical computations in two (2D) and three dimensions (3D) in high-performance computers (at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, NCSA, Illinois). Emphasis was put on the theoretical and numerical parts. Turbulence was analyzed via a k-ε model and a Large-Eddy-Simulation (LES) approach. A new length scale was proposed to relate mean-flow variables in prototypes and scale models of bubble plumes. In this work, traditional 1D models for bubble plumes were explained for the first time in light of the two-phase flow theory. Coherent turbulence structures induced by bubble plumes were characterized. |
1999 |
Master (Magister) in "Numerical Simulation and Control," University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina (defended January 5, 1999). GPA: 8.33/10. Dissertation title: "A quasi-three-dimensional model for the simulation of wind-induced shallow-water flows." (In Spanish.) Advisor: Prof. Angel N. Menéndez (Ph.D. University of Iowa, USA, 1983). In this research, a novel theoretical model was developed for the analysis of wind-induced flows. A vertical distribution of horizontal velocities was adopted, allowing for the transformation of a 2D, depth-integrated, numerical model, into a quasi-3D one. Several runs with the resulting numerical model demonstrated the advantages of the approach, which provides satisfactory predictions with a smaller computational cost. This Master degree was chartered in 1996. I was the first candidate to be awarded this degree at the University of Buenos Aires. |
1993 |
Thesis of Scholarship, National Institute for Water (INA), Argentina (1993). Title of thesis: "Quantification of the pollutant transport in Blanca Bay." (In Spanish; equivalent to a Master degree with no courses.) Advisor: Prof. Angel N. Menéndez. This research focused on the development of the first 2D, depth-integrated, hydrodynamic numerical model for Blanca Bay in Argentina, and on the study of the transport of pollutants in that water body. Analyzed contaminants were of organic nature. |
1992 |
Hydraulic Engineer (a six-year program; equivalent to a Master degree), National University of La Plata, Argentina (1992). Several additional courses (9 more courses) were attended, pertaining to the Civil Engineering field. GPA: 9.42/10. |
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Glenn and Helen Stout Water Resources Research Award for "academic achievement and outstanding research in hydrosystems," 2001, Ven Te Chow Hydrosystems Laboratory, Department of CEE, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). |
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First Prize (Best Paper) in the Student Technical Paper Competition for the 2003 World Water Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Philadelphia, PA, EWRI/ASCE (June). Paper entitled: "Characterization of coherent structures from parallel, LES computations of wandering effects in bubble plumes." |
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Finalist Award in the 11th Student Technical Paper Competition, 2003 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Cleveland, OH, ASME International (July). Paper entitled: "Parallel computations of the dynamic behavior of bubble plumes." |
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Finalist in the international competition for the Lorenz Straub Award, for the most meritorious thesis of hydraulic engineering or related fields of year 2004. I was nominated for the award by the CEE Department of the UIUC. Although I did not receive the award, all finalist theses were judged to be of award caliber (please see my website). |
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Journal of Hydraulic Research, Willi H. Hager, Best Reviewer Award, International Association for Hydro-Environmental Engineering and Research (IAHR), for the years 2009-2010. Received during the Awards ceremony at the 2011 IAHR Congress, Brisbane, Australia, July 2011. |
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Outstanding Reviewer recognition for the year 2011, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 2012. |
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University of Illinois, 2015 CEE Young Alumni Award, received on March 11, 2015. Awarded by the CEE Alumni Association of the UIUC. "The Young Alumnus/Alumna Achievement Award recognizes a recent graduate who has achieved distinction in his or her field and reached a level of accomplishment significantly greater than that of other recent graduates." The citation reads: "For an outstanding academic career at the University of California at Davis in research, teaching and service; for his leadership in multi-phase flows for environmental applications; for his unparalleled set of research skills in theory, numerical computations, laboratory observations and field work; and for his active role assisting the United Nations and the government of Argentina on diverse projects in Latin America." |
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Nominated for the Arthur Ippen Award, IAHR, January 2015, by Profs Hubert Chanson (Australia), Marcelo García (United States) and Jorge Matos (Portugal), and Dr. Arturo Marcano (Venezuela). |
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2015 ASCE Outstanding Civil Engineering Faculty Advisor Award, Sacramento Section. Received on October 6, 2015, Sacramento, CA. (See link.) |
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2015 Outstanding ASCE Faculty Advisor Award in the State of California (Region 9). Received on March 18, 2016, Sacramento, CA. Nominated for the Outstanding Teaching Award of the College of Engineering, University of California, Davis, 2016; 2017. |
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The paper by Reardon et al. (2016), published in the Lake and Reservoir Management journal, was nominated for the Lebounty Best Paper Award for the year 2016, with other 4 papers. |
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Lillian P. and Gerald T. Orlob Endowed Professorship in Water Resources, CEE Department, UC Davis (2017-2022). |
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The paper by Bombardelli et al. (2018), published in Physics of Fluids, was selected as "Featured Article" by the Editors of the journal. |
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Appointed Visiting Fellow at the Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy. This position was for a month visit in December, 2019. 20+ applications were received from around the world, and only a few were selected. |
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Appointed as Editor in Chief of the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, since March 1, 2020. |
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Fellow of the Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI) of the ASCE, May 2021. |
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Corresponding Member of the Academy of Engineering of Buenos Aires Province (State), Argentina. Selection: July 2021. Incorporation: July 7, 2022. (See link.) |
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Appointed Visiting Fellow at the Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy. This position was for a month visit from June 21 to July 21, 2023. |
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Doctor Honoris Causa, National University of La Plata, 2022/23. (IAHR Newsletter) and (UNLP Newsletter) |
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The paper by Zabaleta et al. (2024), accepted in Physics of Fluids, was selected as "Featured Article" by the Editors of the journal. |
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Honor Society Phi Kappa Phi (2000), UIUC. |
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Voted Member of the Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Group, University of California, Davis, June 2004. |
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Listed in Marquis Who's Who in America, 2004/2005; also in subsequent editions. |
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Listed in Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 2005-2006 issue, page 185; listed also in subsequent editions. |
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Listed in Marquis Who's Who in the World, 2005, 2008. |
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Invited contribution (paper and presentation) to the Mini-symposium on "Fluvial Hydraulics and River Morphodynamics," 7th International Conference on Hydro-Science and Engineering, Philadelphia, September 2006. |
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Invited contribution (paper and presentation) to the "Workshop on Environmental and Extreme Multiphase Flows," Gainsville, Florida, April 2012. Presentation entitled: "Eulerian-Eulerian and Eulerian-Lagrangian models for sediment transport in open channels." |
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Invited contribution (presentation) to the Mini-symposium on "Turbulent modeling and simulation," on "Advances in Computational Mechanics," a conference to honor the 70th birthday of Prof. Thomas Hughes, San Diego, February 26, 2013. Presentation entitled: "Methods for the simulation of environmental turbulent flows." |
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Invited contribution (presentation) to the Mini-symposium on "Computational modeling of turbulent and complex flows with applications III," on the 11th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), Barcelona, July 23, 2014. Presentation entitled: "Comparison of performance of turbulence closures in free-surface flows past hydraulic structures." |
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Invited and voted Member (participant) of the Hydraulic Structures Section, IAHR (2007- date) and Member of the Leadership Team (2009-2011; 2019-2021). Invited/volunteer Session/s Chairperson-Moderator in diverse conferences worldwide: 1) 9th Int. Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics (ISEH), Seoul, South Korea, June 2021, on- line; 2) ASCE/EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, June 2021 (in two sessions), on-line, more than 30 attendees at peak; 3) ASCE/EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 2019 (in four sessions); 4) ASCE/EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 2018 (in three sessions); 5) IAHR 7th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Aachen, Germany; 6) ASCE/EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, West Palm Beach, Florida, May 2016 (on May 24); 7) ASCE/EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Portland, Oregon, June 2014 (on June 4); 8) Third International Symposium on Shallow Flows, Iowa, June 2012 (on June 4; invited); 9) XXV Latin American Congress on Hydraulics, San Jose, Costa Rica, September 2012 (invited); 10) River Flow 2012, San Jose, Costa Rica, September 2012 (invited); 11) 6th Biennial Bay-Delta Conference, Sacramento, California, September 2010; 12) River Flow 2008, Cezme, Izmir, Turkey, September (invited); 13) Fifth Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Tempe, Arizona, December 2007 (invited); 14) 7th International Conference on Hydro-Science and Engineering, Philadelphia, September 2006 (invited); 15) XXXI IAHR Congress, Seoul, South Korea, September 2005 (invited); 16) ENIEF'04, XIV Congress on Numerical Methods and their Applications, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, November 2004 (invited). |
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Invited/volunteer Session Organizer in different conferences: 1) American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting, December 2016, session on "Advances in mechanistic approaches for the analysis and simulation of sediment suspended-load and bed-load in streams," San Francisco; 2) American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting, December 2014, session on "Verification, validation, uncertainty quantification and scaling challenges in geophysical and surface processes models II," San Francisco; 3) 2013 Floodplain Management Conference, Member of the "2-D Modeling Symposium," Anaheim, CA (invited); 4) ASCE-EWRI 2011 Water Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Palm Spring, California, session on "Verification and validation of 3D free-surface models;" 5) 6th Biennial Bay-Delta Conference, Sacramento, California, September 2010; 6) ENIEF'06, XV Congress on Numerical Methods and their Applications, Santa Fe, Argentina, November 2006; 7) MECOM'05. VIII Congress on Computational Mechanics, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2005; 8) ENIEF'04, XIV Congress on Numerical Methods and their Applications, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, November 2004 (invited). |
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Voted Member the Executive Committee of the Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Group, University of California, Davis (2011-2013). |
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Member, and Vice Chair of the task committee on "Verification and validation of 3D free surface models," within the ASCE/EWRI Committee on Computational Hydraulics (2010- 2012). Chair of the task committee for the period 2012-2016. Member of the ASCE/EWRI Committee on Computational Hydraulics. |
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In 2018, I was nominated to participate on the elections for IAHR Council Member for North America; finally, another person was selected afterwards. |
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Voted Member of the Leadership Team of the Hydraulic Structures Section, IAHR. This position is voted by the members of the Hydraulic Structures Section attending the Biennial IAHR Congress. This vote was held in Panama City, 2019. |
• | UC Davis and Humanities Graduate Research Award, for Sanjeev K. Jha, 2007. |
• | Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship, for Kristin E. Reardon, 2007. |
• | Nortek© 2008 Student Equipment Grant Award, for Kristin E. Reardon, 2008. |
• | Best Dissertation Award on Hydraulics in Portugal, for my student and collaborator Ines Osorio de Castro Meireles, 2011. |
• | Nomination of the Ph.D. Thesis by Dane Behrens for the Zuhar Munir Award by the Dept. of CEE, UC Davis, 2013. |
• | Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Assistant, for Kaveh Zamani, 2014. |
• | Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Award, for Lily Tomkovic, 2016. |
• | Certificate of Commendation for being in the top 5% of all ASCE chapters in the Nation, 2017. |
• | California Lake Management Society Scholarship for Sergio Valbuena-Mateus, 2021. |
• | David and Dana Loury Foundation Fellowship for Sergio Valbuena-Mateus, 2022. |
• | Goldman and Schladow Limnology Fellowship for Sergio Valbuena-Mateus, 2022. |
• | Certificate of Commendation for the ASCE Chapter, 2024. |
• | Member of the Scientific Committee of the following conferences: |
- 7th. Int. Conf. on Lake Management and Conservation, San Martín de los Andes, Argentina, 1997. Rapporteur during the conference. (Invited.)
- ENIEF'04, XIV Congress on Numerical Methods and their Applications, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, November 2004. (Invited.)
- River Flow 2008, Izmir, Cezme, Turkey, September. (Invited.)
- Second International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop, International Association for Hydraulic Engineering and Research, IAHR, Pisa, Italy, July-August 2008. (Invited.)
- Second International Symposium on Shallow Flows, Hong Kong, December 2008 (http://www.ce.ust.hk/issf/). (Invited.)
- RCEM 2009, River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Santa Fe, Argentina, September.
- Third International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop, IAHR, Edinburgh, May 2010. (Invited.)
- River Flow 2010, Braunschweig, Germany.
- RCEM 2011, River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Beijing, China. (Invited.)
- 34th World IAHR Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 2011. Although there was no formal panel of Editors, I was invited by Prof. Hubert Chanson to edit Section 5.2 on eco-hydrology, involving the management of 28 papers, selecting 2 o 3 reviewers for each, and making a decision on the suitability for inclusion in the proceedings of the congress.
- Fourth IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Porto, Portugal, February 2012. (Invited.)
- Fourth International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop, IAHR, Logan, Utah, June 2012. (Invited.)
- River Flow 2012, San José, Costa Rica, September.
- RCEM 2013, River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Cantabria, Spain. (Invited.)
- Jornadas de Ingeniería del Agua (Water Engineering Meeting), Valencia, Spain, 2013. (Invited.)
- Latin American Congress on Hydraulics, Santiago, Chile, September 2014. (Invited.)
- Second International Workshop on Hydraulic Structures, organized by IAHR Hydraulic Structures section, Coimbra, Portugal, May 2015. (Invited.)
- RCEM 2015, River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Iquitos, Peru. (Invited.)
- River Flow 2016, Saint Louis, July.
- Latin American Congress on Hydraulics, Lima, Peru, September 2016. (Invited.)
- Ríos (Rivers), Córdoba, Argentina, November, 2017. (Invited.)
- 13th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC 2018), held in Palermo, Italy, July 2018. (Invited.)
- 7th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Aachen, Germany, held in May 2018. (Invited.)
- Latin American Congress on Hydraulics, Buenos Aires, Argentina, held in September 2018. (Invited.)
- IAHR World Congress, Panama City, Panama, held in September 2019. (Invited.)
- IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Santiago de Chile, Chile, May 2020. (Invited.) This event was cancelled due to Covid-19.
- River Flow 2020, Delft, The Netherlands, July. (Invited.) This event was held virtually due to Covid-19.
- IAHR World Congress, Granada, Spain, held in June 2022.
- Latin American Congress on Hydraulics, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, held in November 2022. (Invited.)
- 9th International Symposium of Hydraulic Structures, Roorkee, India, held in October 2022. (Invited.)
- IAHR World Congress, Vienna, Austria, held in August 2023. Please see: https://rivers.boku.ac.at/iahr/international-scientific-committee/
- 10th International Symposium of Hydraulic Structures, Zürich, Switzerland, June 2024. (Invited.)
• | Invited Member of the Editorial Board of the Open Journal of Civil Engineering (2007-2017). |
• | Co-editor of the Newsletter of the Hydraulic Structures Section of IAHR (2007-2012). |
• | Guest Co-Editor of Special Issue of the journal Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Springer, titled: "Progress in the observation and modeling of turbulent multi-phase flows." (2007- 2009), with Prof. Hubert Chanson. The Special Issue was published in April 2009. "Acting" Associate Editor of Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Springer. The Editor-in-Chief of the journal requested me to manage some more papers in addition to those of the Special Issue (2009-2010). |
• | Member of the Editorial Board of Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Springer, 2011-present. The appointment was renewed by Prof. H. J. Fernando in 2014. |
• | Associate Editor of the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, since February 2013. (Invited by then Editor in Chief Prof. Terry Sturm.) |
• | Member of the Reviewer Board of the International Journal of Sediment Research, since January 2014. (Invited.) |
• | Guest Co-Editor of another Special Issue of the journal Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Springer, based on Two-phase flows, with Prof. Hubert Chanson. The Special Issue was published in February, 2017. |
• | Founding Editor in Chief of the new "Revista Iberoamericana del Agua, RIBAGUA," published by Taylor and Francis, under the umbrella of the IAHR. The first issue was launched in October 2014. |
• | Track Chair of "Hydraulics and Waterways" of the 2018 ASCE-EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Invited.) |
• | Track Chair of "Hydraulics and Waterways" of the 2019 ASCE-EWRI World |
• | Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Invited.) |
• | Associate Editor of the Journal of Hydro-environment Research, Elsevier, since February 2018. Invited by the then Editor in Chief Prof. Joseph Lee. |
• | Track Chair of "Hydraulics and Waterways" of the 2020 ASCE-EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Henderson, Nevada. (The event was cancelled due to Covid-19.) |
• | Guest Co-Editor of a Special Issue of the journal Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Springer, on "Environmental Fluid Mechanics in Hydraulic Engineering," with Profs Hubert Chanson and Oscar Castro-Orgaz. Published in April, 2020. |
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Invited Keynote Speaker in ENIEF'04, XIV Congress on Numerical Methods and their Applications, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, November 2004. Delivered on November 9, 2004. Paper: "Simulation of wandering phenomena in bubble plumes via a k - ε model and a Large-Eddy-Simulation (LES) approach." |
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Invited Session Lecturer in McMAT 2007, ASME Conference on Applied Mechanics and Materials, Austin, Texas, June. Invited by Dr. Victor Calo. Delivered on June 4. Presentation: "Hierarchical modeling of bubble plumes." |
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Invited Keynote Speaker in ENIEF'08, XVIII Congress on Numerical Methods and their Applications, San Luis, Argentina, November 2008. Invited by Dr. Marcela Goldsmidt. Delivered on November 12, 2008. Presentation: "Eulerian and Lagrangian theoretical and numerical models for the simulation of multi-phase turbulent flows." (In Spanish.) |
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Invited Lecture Speaker, 16th. Congress of Asia and Pacific Division of the IAHR, and 3rd. Int. Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Nanjing, China, October 2008. (I could not attend the meeting due to last moment health problems.) |
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Invited Session Speaker, The Meeting of the Americas, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, August, 2010. Session on Rivers (Delivered on my behalf by Prof. García, on August 11, 2010). Presentation: "Challenges to the understanding and modeling of flow and transport in the Delta of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, California." |
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Invited Plenary Speaker, Fourth IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Porto, Portugal. Presentation delivered on February 10, 2012: "Computational multi-phase fluid dynamics applied to the design and optimization of hydraulic structures." |
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Invited Plenary Speaker, Latin American Congress on Hydraulics, San José, Costa Rica. Presentation delivered on September 11, 2012: "The closing and stratification habits of a small estuary in California." (In Spanish.) |
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Invited Plenary Speaker, Meeting on water quality, organized by AySA (Argentine Water and Sanitary Works), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Presentation delivered on November 8, 2012: "Modeling of water courses for the analysis of quality: Fundamentals, limitations and promises via examples." (In Spanish.) |
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Invited Plenary Speaker, Experimental methods in hydraulics III (MEH III), Santa Fe, Argentina. Presentation delivered on March 22, 2013: "Approximation to the quantification of sediment resuspension in lakes." (In Spanish.) |
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Invited Plenary Speaker, Water Engineering Meeting, Valencia, Spain. Presentation delivered on October, 2013: "Experimental and numerical results of flow over stepped spillways and other associated flows." (In Spanish.) |
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Invited Plenary Speaker, Latin American Congress on Hydraulics, Santiago, Chile. Presentation delivered on August 26, 2014: "How to write a good journal paper." (In Spanish. This presentation was associated to RIBAGUA.) |
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Invited Session Speaker in ENIEF'14, XXI Congress on Numerical Methods and their Applications, Bariloche, Argentina. Presentation delivered on September 23, 2014: "Turbulence closures in free-surface flows past hydraulic structures." (In Spanish with slides in English.) |
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Invited Plenary Speaker, Experimental methods in hydraulics IV (MEH IV), La Plata, Argentina. Presentation delivered on March 22, 2015: "Closure and stratification habits of an estuary in California." (In Spanish.) |
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Invited Session Speaker in South Korea. Presentation delivered on October 29, 2015: "Computational Multi-phase Fluid Dynamics (CMPFD) for rivers and hydraulic structures: Where we are and where we go." This presentation took part of a special session (called Global Session) of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers (KSCE) 2015 Convention on "River restoration program for coexistence between nature and human." |
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Invited Plenary Speaker in Arequipa, Peru. Presentation delivered on December 3, 2016: "Modeling of sediment transport and water quality and their relation with eutrophication." This presentation took part in the "International seminar on simulation of water quality in reservoirs." (In Spanish.) |
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Invited Plenary Speaker, Experimental methods in hydraulics V (MEH V), Ezeiza, Argentina. Presentation delivered on June 7, 2017: "Recent developments for scour in plunging ponds: New experiments, theory, and numerical simulations." |
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Invited Semi-Plenary Speaker, Latin American Congress on Hydraulics, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 2018. Presentation delivered on September 20, 2018: "New experiments, theory, and numerical simulations for the problem of scour induced by jets." |
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Invited Plenary Speaker, 8th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Santiago de Chile, Chile, May 2020. (This event was cancelled due to Covid-19.) Title of the Keynote Lecture: "Seeing is believing: Using Hybrid turbulence closures to uncover the features of flows past hydraulic structures." |
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Invited Keynote Speaker, Congress of ECITEC of the National Engineering University, Peru, on-line. Presentation delivered on November 5, 2020: "Numerical simulation of water resources." (In Spanish.) |
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Invited Keynote Speaker, National Congress of Civil Engineering, Peru, on-line. Presentation delivered on June 29, 2021: "Recent advances in the research of phenomena in lacustrine regions." (In Spanish; more than 200 attendees.) |
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Invited Keynote Speaker, International Workshop on Sustainable Urban Drainage, Ningbo University, China, August, 2021 (on-line). Presentation delivered on August 5, 2021: "Time- dependent turbulent closures for the simulation of flow past structures in urban drainage." (74 attendees at peak.) |
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Invited Keynote Speaker, 9th International Symposium of Hydraulic Structures (ISHS), Roorkee, India, October 2022. Presentation delivered on October 26, 2022. Title of presentation: "Fluid mechanics past hydraulic structures: A shift in paradigm." (On line.) |
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Invited Keynote Speaker, 4th International Symposium on Outfall Systems (ISOS), Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 2023. Presentation delivered on March 27, 2023. Title of presentation: "Numerical modeling of flows past hydraulic structures using hybrid turbulence closures." (In Spanish.) |
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Invited Keynote Speaker, First Workshop on Scour around Hydraulic and Costal Structures, Hohai, China, September, 2023. Presentation delivered on September 5. Title of presentation: "On the use of the Phenomenological Theory of Turbulence (PTT) to provide a universal scour formula." (On line.) |
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Invited Keynote Speaker, International Workshop on Sustainable Urban Drainage, Ningbo University, China, October, 2023 (on-line). Presentation delivered on October 21, 2023. Title of presentation: "Numerical simulation (and modeling) of air entrainment processes in stepped spillways: from engineering." (On line.) |
- Invited Seminar at the Department of Eart Sciences, Autonomous University of Baja California South, Mexico. Presentation delivered on August 18, 2023: "Habits of migration and closure of a small estuary in California." (On line, and in Spanish.)
- Invited Lecture at the Pre-Congress Symposium on "Youth contributions to hydric security" ("Aportaciones de la juventud hacia la Seguridad Hídrica") as part of the National Congress on Hydraulics, Mexico, México Young Professionals Network. Presentation delivered on October 19, 2022: "How to write a scientific article." (On line, and in Spanish.)
- Invited Lecture at the Virtual Symposium on "Protection of freshwater mussels: Science and mitigation of sediment-related impacts." June 2, 2021. (107 participants at peak.)
- Invited Seminar at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa (Italy). Presentation delivered on December 13, 2019: "Climate, global change, and water resources."
- Invited Seminar at the Department of CEE, UIUC. Presentation delivered on May 17, 2019: "From Chow to García: The tale of the intimate details of boundary layers under macro- roughness." Second Workshop in honor of Prof. Marcelo H. García.
- Invited Seminar at the Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa (Italy). Presentation delivered on May 14, 2018: "Computational multi-phase fluid dynamics (CMPFD) for hydraulic structures."
- Invited Seminars at the "Development and application study of sediment transport formula in Taiwan's rivers. International academic and practical workshop." Presentations delivered on August 11, 2017, Taipei, Taiwan: "Eulerian-Eulerian and Eulerian-Lagrangian models for the simulation of suspended- and bed-load: Progress and challenges," and "Closure and sediment- transport habits of a rivermouth in semi-arid climates."
- Invited Seminar at the Institute of Mechanics of Fluids and Environmental Engineering (IMFIA) of the University of the Republic, Montevideo, Uruguay. Presentation delivered on March 9, 2017: "Numerical simulations of two-phase flows past hydraulic structures."
- Invited presentation at the Sonoma County Water Agency on the NOAA Habitat Blueprint Russian River Water Quality to inform time-dependent availability of estuarine habitat for salmonids. Presentation delivered on July, 26, 2016, in Santa Rosa, CA: "Flow and water quality in the Russian River: Modeling results."
- Invited Seminar at the Department of CEE, Washington State University. Presentation delivered on April 25, 2016: "Explaining sediment transport with computations and theory."
- Invited Seminar at the Continuum Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics Units of the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Okinawa, Japan. Presentation delivered on March 25, 2016: "What you see is what you understand: Explaining multi-phase flows at different scales with computational and theoretical approaches."
- Invited Seminar at the Civil Engineering Department of the Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea. Presentation delivered on October 26, 2015: "Stratification and closure analysis of a small estuary in California."
- Invited presentation at the Environmental Seminar Series, Department of CEE, UC Davis, January 13, 2015: "Stratification and closure analysis of a small estuary in California."
- Invited Seminar at the Department of CEE, Stanford University. Presentation delivered on November 4, 2014: "Assessment of the performance of turbulence closures in free surface flows past hydraulic structures."
- Invited Seminar at the National University of Córdoba, Argentina. Presentation delivered on September 9, 2014: "Analysis and comparison of turbulence closures in free surface flows past hydraulic structures."
- Invited Seminar at the CEE Department at UC Davis. Presentation delivered on September 30, 2013: "Computational Fluid Dynamics for multi-phase flows in hydraulic structures."
- Invited Seminar at the Institute of Hydraulic Research, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, on August 7, 2013: "Computational Multi-phase Fluid Dynamics (CMPFD) for hydraulic structures." (In Spanish.)
- Invited Seminar at the Institute of Hydraulic Research, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, on August 6, 2013: "Approximation to the quantification of sediment resuspension in lakes." (In Spanish.)
- Invited Seminar at the Andean University, Cuzco, Peru. Presentation delivered on July 2013: "Hydrological simulation in Andean basins: use of the WEAP model and the EBHICA project."
- Invited Seminar at the National University of Saint Anthony Abad, Cuzco, Peru. Presentation delivered on July 2013: "Hydrological simulation in Andean basins: use of the WEAP model and the EBHICA project."
- Seminar presentation at the private company CBEC, on September 28, 2012: "Recent research projects regarding sediment fate and transport at UC Davis."
- Invited presentation at the Sonoma County Water Agency on the Russian River project, on April 12, 2012: "Russian River: Modeling results, lesson learned and future work."
- Invited Seminar at the Bodega Marine Laboratory, UC Davis. Presentation delivered on August 18, 2010: "The science and art of modeling estuaries and bays."
- Invited Seminar at the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District. Presentation delivered on June 17, 2010: "Time and spatial scales of a migrating rivermouth."
- Seminar at the Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Group Seminar Series, UC Davis. Presentation delivered on April 29, 2010: "Understanding and modeling multi-phase flows in the environment: The cases of bubble plumes, sediment transport in rivers, and density currents."
- Invited Seminar at the Idaho Water Resources Research Institute, University of Idaho, Boise, Idaho. Presentation delivered on April 20, 2010, televised to the University of Idaho, Boise, University of Idaho, Idaho Falls, and University of Idaho, Moscow: "Time and spatial scales of a migrating rivermouth."
- Second presentation organized by the California Department of Water Resources, Sacramento, to the Technical Advisory Committee of the DSM2 Project, January 27, 2010. Title: "Incorporating sediment-transport capabilities to DSM2. Development plan."
- Invited Seminar at the Department of CEE, Stanford University. Presentation delivered on October 19, 2009: "Numerical simulation of two-phase flows: from bubble plumes to sediment transport in streams."
- Invited Seminar at the Department of CEE, UIUC. Presentation delivered on August 17, 2009: "Sediment transport at different scales." Workshop in honor of Prof. Marcelo H. García.
- Presentation at the reduced UnTRIM Users Meeting, Trento, Italy. Presentation delivered on May 12, 2009: "Numerical simulation of complex flows: from viscous models to Direct Numerical Simulations."
- Invited Seminar at the Department of CEE, University of Iowa, Iowa. Presentation delivered on April 17, 2009: "Two-phase flow models of environmental importance: from bubble plumes to sediment transport in open channels."
- Invited Seminar at the Department of CEE, UIUC. Presentation delivered on April 10, 2009: "An attempt for a unified two-phase flow theory for sediment transport in open channels."
- First presentation organized by the California Department of Water Resources, Sacramento, to the Technical Advisory Committee of the DSM2 Project, July 20, 2009. Title: "Incorporating sediment-transport capabilities to DSM2. Development plan."
- Second Workshop "Fecal contamination in San Francisco Bay: New predictive tools for decision makers." Presentation delivered on February 13, 2009: "Modeling transport and fate of Bacteroidales in San Pablo Bay - Part II."
- Invited Seminar at the United States Army Corps of Engineers Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Presentation delivered on March 21, 2008: "A general framework for the analysis of two-phase flows in hydraulic applications."
- First Workshop "Fecal contamination in San Francisco Bay: New predictive tools for decision makers." Presentation delivered on January 25, 2008: "Modeling transport and fate of Bacteroidales in San Pablo Bay."
- Presentation organized by the California Department of Water Resources, Sacramento, delivered on October 23, 2007: "Incorporating sediment-transport capabilities to DSM2."
- Invited Seminar at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Concepción, Concepción, Chile. Presentation delivered on October 5, 2006: "Parameterization of flow resistance in Hydraulics." (In Spanish.)
- Invited Seminar at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Concepción, Concepción, Chile. Presentation delivered on October 5, 2006: "Models for the computation of the transport and fate of mercury in water bodies." (In Spanish.)
- Invited Seminar at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Concepción, Concepción, Chile. Presentation delivered on October 5: "Modeling density currents in the lab and the field." (In Spanish.)
- Invited Seminar at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Concepción, Concepción, Chile. Presentation delivered on October 2: "Intermediate asymptotics, turbulence, and the basic equations of fluid mechanics." (In Spanish.)
- Invited Seminar at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Concepción, Concepción, Chile. Presentation delivered on September 28, 2006: "Lagrangian models for the motion of particles close to river beds." (In Spanish.)
- Invited Seminar at the Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, West Sacramento. Presentation delivered on August 24, 2005: "Three-dimensional CFD modeling: going from science to engineering."
- Seminar at the Department of CEE, UC Davis. Presentation delivered on May 27, 2005: "Intermediate asymptotics, turbulence, and the equations of fluid dynamics."
- Seminar at the Department of CEE, UC Davis. Presentation delivered on May 21, 2004: "Density currents in the lab and the field: learning how to model very complex dense underflows."
- Seminar of Ph.D. defense, Department of CEE, UIUC. Presentation delivered on September 15, 2003: "Turbulence in multiphase models for aeration bubble plumes."
- Invited Seminar at the Department of CEE, UC Davis. Presentation delivered on May 8, 2003: "Turbulence in multiphase models for aeration bubble plumes."
- Seminar at the Department of CEE, UIUC. Presentation delivered on September 25, 2002: "Theoretical and numerical modeling of turbulent processes in aeration bubble plumes."
- Seminar at the Department of CEE, UIUC, for proposal defense. Presentation delivered on September 26, 2001: "Turbulence in multiphase models for aeration bubble plumes."
- Seminar at the Department of CEE, UIUC. Presentation delivered on February 25, 2001: "Numerical simulation of 3D free-surface flows: issues, challenges, and applications."
- National Water Congress, La Plata, Argentina, June, 1994.
- Latin-American Congress on Hydraulics, IAHR, Santiago de Chile, Chile, October, 1994.
- ENIEF'95, IX Congress on Numerical Methods and their Applications, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, November, 1995.
- Int. Conf. on Pollution Processes in Coastal Environments, Mar del Plata, Argentina, October, 1996.
- 3rd Int. Conf. on River Flood Hydraulics, Stellenbosch, South Africa, September, 1997.
- Fourth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July, 1998.
- World FLOW-3D® User's Conf., Santa Fe, NM, USA, September, 1999.
- 1999 Int. Water Resources Engineering Conf., ASCE, Seattle, WA, USA, September, 1999.
- 4th. Int. Conf. on Hydroinformatics, IAHR, Iowa City, IA, USA, July, 2000.
- Latin-American Congress on Hydraulics, IAHR, Córdoba, Argentina, October, 2000 (2 papers).
- 3rd. Int. Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Tempe, AZ, USA, December, 2001.
- Hydraulic Measurement and Experimental Methods Conf., Estes Park, CO, USA, August 2002.
- World FLOW-3D® User's Conf., Santa Fe, NM, USA, September, 2002.
- 2003 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI), ASCE, Philadelphia, PA, USA, June, 2003.
- Pressure Vessel and Piping Division Conf., ASME, Cleveland, OH, USA, July, 2003.
- ENIEF'04, XIV Congress on Numerical Methods and their Applications, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, November, 2004.
- XXXI IAHR World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, September, 2005.
- American Physical Society (APS) Fluid Dynamics Division Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, November 2005.
- Fourth IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal, and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Urbana, IL, USA, November, 2005.
- Annual Conf. American Institute of Hydrology, Baton Rouge, LO, USA, May, 2006.
- Int. Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, Lisbon, Portugal, September, 2006.
- Int. Conf. on Advances in HydroScience and Engineering, Philadelphia, PA, September, 2006.
- McMAT 2007, ASME Applied Mechanics and Materials Conference, June, 2007 (2 papers).
- World FLOW-3D® User's Conf., Dallas, TX, USA, September 2007.
- 5th. Int. Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Tempe, AZ, USA, December, 2007.
- ENIEF'08, XVI Congress on Numerical Methods and their Applications, San Juan, Argentina, November, 2008.
- River Flow 2008, Cezme, Izmir, Turkey, September.
- 2011 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI), ASCE, Palm Springs, CA, USA, May, 2011.
- World FLOW-3D® User's Conf., Santa Fe, USA, September 2011.
- AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, December, 2011.
- Conference on Shallow Flows, Iowa City, Iowa, USA, June 2012.
- World FLOW-3D® User's Conf., San Francisco, USA, September 2012.
- Special presentation at the Flood Management Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA. September 3, 2013, as part of the 2D Modeling Symposium: "Issues with the 2D modeling of floods for mapping purposes."
- 2018 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI), ASCE, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 2018 (two presentations).
- 7th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Aachen, Germany, May 17, 2018.
- 39th IAHR World Congress, Panama City, Panama, September 3, 2019.
Last update: 04/26/24