Mr. Arturo Palomino Lazo PhD student (M.S., University of California, Davis, 2023).
Ms. Katie Stagl Hughes PhD student (B.S. University of Portland, 2017).
Mr. Ziyang Tian PhD student (M.S., University of Calfornia, Davis, 2023). \
Mr. Germán Spadari PhD student (M.S., University of Hannover, Germany).
Ms. Brenda Vath PhD student, National University of La Plata, Argentina.
Ms. Leiza D'Angelo PhD student, National University of La Plata, Argentina.
Ms. Guadalupe Jaca Pozzi PhD student, National University of La Plata, Argentina.
Prof. Bombardelli advised and co-advised to completion 14 Ph.D., and 31 Master students at UC Davis and elsewhere. Some of the Ph.D. students currently occupy faculty positions in universities in USA and worldwide.
- Andrea E. González, Ph.D., August 2008 (Master in Environmental Process Engineering, the Johns Hopkins University, 2004). Ph.D. Thesis: "Numerical modeling of sediment transport near the bed using a two-phase flow approach." Currently: Leader of a research and development division in a mining company, Chile.
- Sanjeev K. Jha, Ph.D., May 2009 (Master, Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur, 2005). Ph.D. Thesis: "Theoretical and numerical modeling of suspended sediment transport in open channels using an Eulerian-Eulerian two-phase flow approach." Currently: Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal, India.
- Dane Behrens, Ph.D., December 2012 (Master of Science, UC Davis, 2008). Co-advised with Prof. John Largier, from the Bodega Marine Laboratory, UC Davis; I was Dane's major co-advisor. Ph.D. Thesis: "The Russian River Estuary: Inlet morphology, management, and estuarine scalar response." Currently: Project engineer at ESA-PWA, San Francisco, California.
- Patricio A. Moreno, Ph.D., May 2014 (Master of Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2004). Ph.D. Thesis: "Two-phase flow, three-dimensional approach for saltating particles near the bed at finite Reynolds numbers." Currently: Assistant Professor, University of los Andes, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
- Kaveh Zamani, Ph.D., December 2015 (Master of Science, Sharif University, Iran, 2006). Ph.D. Thesis: "Methods for the verification and validation and uncertainty quantification of environmental fluid mechanics codes." Formerly: Post-Doctoral fellow, Water Research Laboratory, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia; currently: Department of Water Resources, California.
- Juan Pablo Toro, Ph.D., December 2016 (M.S., UC Davis, 2013). Ph.D. Thesis: "Turbulence models for the prediction of flows under macroroughness conditions." Currently: Assistant Professor, Andrés Bello University, Santiago de Chile, Chile. 33
- Lily Tomkovic, Ph.D., March 2022 (M.S., UC Davis, 2018). Ph.D. Thesis: "Numerical modeling of floodplains: Evaluating ecological outcomes." Currently: Department of Water Resources, California.
- Federico Zabaleta, Ph.D., September 2023 (M.S., UC Davis, 2020). Ph.D. Thesis: "Numerical modeling of self-aerated flows for hydraulic structures and environmental applications." Currently: Post-doctoral Fellow, Center for Turbulence Research (CTR), Stanford University.
- Arash Massoudieh, Ph.D., December 2006 (Master of Science in Civil/Coastal Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran, 2000). Co-advised with Prof. Timothy R. Ginn; Prof. Ginn, major co-advisor. Ph.D. Thesis: "Mathematical and numerical modeling of contaminant transport in aqueous systems involving mobile solid phases." Currently: Professor, Catholic University of America, USA.
- Eu Gene Chung, Ph.D., September 2007 (Master of Science, Seoul National University, 1999). Co-advised with Prof. Geoffrey S. Schladow; Prof. Schladow, major co-advisor. Ph.D. Thesis: "Modeling sediment resuspension linkages to nutrient cycles in a shallow, eutrophic lake: Case study of the Salton Sea." Currently: Researcher in South Korea.
- Ines Osorio de Castro Meireles, Ph.D., March 2011 (Master of Science, Technical Superior Institute, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004). Although my name did not appear explicitly in the list of advisors, I heavily contributed to Ines' Dissertation, as demonstrated by the papers we have published together. Ph.D. Thesis: "Hydraulics of stepped chutes: Experimental-numerical- theoretical study." Currently: Faculty member, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal.
- Kristin E. Reardon, Ph.D., December 2014 (Master, Universität Stuttgart, Germany, 2004). Co-advised with Prof. Geoffrey S. Schladow; Prof. Schladow, major co-advisor. Ph.D. Thesis: "Nearshore sediment resuspension at Lake Tahoe." Currently: Engineer at CH2M, Alaska.
- Mariano de Dios, Ph.D., May 2021. Ph.D. Thesis: "Experimental characterization and numerical simulation of three-dimensional processes of high turbulence in shear layers: Submerged hydraulic jump." National University of La Plata, Argentina.
- Sergio Valbuena-Mateus, Ph.D., March 2023 (M.S., UC Davis, 2020). Co-advised with Prof. Geoff Schladow. Ph.D. Thesis: "Three-dimensional numerical modeling of lake upwelling."
- Anthony McDonald, M.S. (Plan 1, with thesis), December 2007 (B.S., University of California, Davis, 2006). M.S. Thesis: "Advection-diffusion-reaction modeling of Bacteroidales in estuaries with specific application to the San Pablo Bay." Currently: Engineer at the California DWR.
- Dane Behrens, M.S. (Plan 1, with thesis), June 2008 (B.S., University of California, Davis, 2006). Co-advised with Prof. John Largier, from the Bodega Marine Laboratory, UC Davis; I was Dane's major co-advisor. M.S. Thesis: "Inlet closure and morphological behavior in a Northern California estuary: The case of the Russian River." Currently: Project engineer at ESA-PWA, San Francisco, California.
- Joseph Waltz, M.S. (Plan 1, with thesis), June 2010 (B.S., University of California, Davis, 2008). M.S. Thesis: "A study on internal flow features and air entrainment effects in hydraulic jumps using numerical modeling techniques."
- James R. Kohne, M.S. (Plan 1, with thesis), summer 2010 (B.S., University of California, Davis, 2008). M.S. Thesis: "Comparing Delta flow and transport models: Theoretical and numerical basis."
- Khalida Fazel, M.S. (Plan 1, with thesis), summer 2011 (B.S., University of California, Davis, 2009). M.S. Thesis: "Data-driven snowmelt modeling with atemperature index method." Currently: Project engineer at a private company in Sacramento.
- Swetcha V. Reddy, M.S. (Plan 1, with thesis), summer 2012 (B.S., Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India, 2009). M.S. Thesis: "Comparing Delta flow and transport models: Numerical results of flow and salinity." Formerly: Project engineer at a private company (nhc, Northwest Hydraulic Consultants); currently: Engineer in India.
- Kamaldeep Singh, M.S. (Plan 1, with thesis), summer 2012 (B.S., University of California, Davis, 2008). M.S. Thesis: "A literature review of the concept of residence time as applied to estuaries." Currently: Engineer at the California DWR.
- Shreya R. Hegde, M.S. (Plan 1, with thesis), summer 2013 (B.S., Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India, 2009). M.S. Thesis: "Numerical simulation of management scenarios in a small stratified estuary: The case of the Russian River Estuary, California." Formerly: Project engineer at a private company in Davis; currently: Engineer in India.
- Devinder Dhillon, M.S. (Plan 1, with thesis), winter 2014 (B.S., University of California, Davis, 2012). M.S. Thesis: "Issues of 2-D modeling for flood mapping." Currently: Engineer at the California DWR.
- Alex C. K. Yuen, M.S. (Plan 1, with thesis), winter 2014 (B.S., University of California, Davis, 2010). M.S. Thesis: "A study on the generation of bottom shear stress in Gust Microcosms using numerical modeling techniques."
- Emily Pappalardo, M.S. (Plan 1, with thesis), winter 2014 (B.S., California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, 2009). M.S. Thesis: "The importance of levee performance in the reduction and evaluation of risk in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta."
- Di Ning, M.S. (Plan 1, with thesis), summer 2014 (B.S., Zhejiang University, China, 2012). M.S. Thesis: "A computational study on hydraulic jump, including air entrainment." Currently: Project engineer at a private company.
- Juan Pablo Toro, M.S. (Plan 2, without thesis), spring 2013 (degree in Engineering, Catholic University, Santiago, Chile). Currently: Assistant Professor, Andrés Bello University, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
- David Ho, M.S. (Plan 2, without thesis), fall 2014 (B.S., University of California, Davis, 2011). M.S. Project: "Predicting fry Chinook salmon rearing habitat using 2-D hydrodynamic model and habitat suitability curves."
- Steve Micko, M.S. (Plan 1, with thesis), spring 2015 (B.S., University of California, Davis, 2013). M.S. Thesis: "Algorithms for the simulation of structures in three-dimensional numerical models." Thomas Handley, M.S. (Plan 1, with thesis), summer 2015. M.S. Thesis: "Cost-effective methods for accurately measuring shallow water bathymetry with single-beam sonar."
- Feng Yu, M.S. (Plan 1, with thesis), summer 2015 (B.S., University of California, Davis, 2010). M.S. Thesis: "On the use of spectral wave models in lakes: Cases of Salton Sea and Lake Tahoe." Sukhpreet Mann, M.S. (Plan 2, without thesis), Fall 2015 (B.S., University of California, Davis, 2013). M.S. work: "Data analysis of the water properties in the Hidden Valley Lake."
- James Courtney, M.S. (Plan 1, with thesis), spring 2016. M.S. Thesis: "Quality control of water resources models with a software package to facilitate verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification."
- Scott Greenwood, M.S. (Plan 2, without thesis), spring 2016. M.S. work: "Numerical simulation of the Cache-Lindsey estuary with the code Delft-3D."
- Katrina Harrison, M.S. (Plan 1, with thesis), spring 2016. M.S. Thesis: "Comparison of 1-D and 3-D hydrodynamic and salinity transport model predictions of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: Sea level rise and water diversion effects."
- Sherif Eldash, M.S. (Plan 1, with thesis), winter 2017. M.S. Thesis: "Small-scale aeration systems (SSAS) to improve the dissolved oxygen concentrations in small ponds: Potential application to Lake Spafford."
- Jeanette Newmiller, M.S. (Plan 1, with thesis), summer 2017. M.S. Thesis: "River hydraulics on a steep slope: Can a 2D model push the limits of the hydrostatic assumption?"
- Lily Tomkovic, M.S. (Plan 2, without thesis), fall 2018 (B.S., University of California, Davis, 2013). M.S. work: "Numerical simulation for the Yolo Bypass."
- Sergio Valbuena, M.S. (Plan 2, without thesis), summer 2020 (Bachelor of Science,
- Colombian University of Engineering, Julio Garavito, 2016). M.S. work: "Numerical simulation of flow induced by boats."
- Federico Zabaleta, M.S. (Plan 2, without thesis), fall 2020 (Hydraulic Engineer, National University of La Plata, Argentina). M.S. work: "Numerical simulation of flow past stepped spillways using Detached-Eddy Simulation."
- Yujia Cai, M.S. (Plan 2, without thesis), spring 2021. M.S. work: "Numerical simulation of standing waves driven by a surface jet." Katie Stagl Hughes, M.S. (Plan 2, without thesis), summer 2022. M.S. work: "Under-ice lake circulation: A review."
- Arturo A. Palomino Lazo, M.S. (Plan 1, with thesis), spring 2023 (B.S., University of California, Davis, 2016). M.S. Thesis: "Conceptual foundations for orthogonal gridding in three dimensions."
- María Cecilia Lopardo, Magister in Ecohydrology, National University of La Plata, Argentina, November 13, 2023. M. Thesis: "Ecohydrological evaluation of a catchment in the Pampas regions with intense agricultural activities."
- Ziyang Tian, M.S. (Plan 2, without thesis), fall 2023. M.S. work: "Assessment of Long Island silt diversion alternatives via numerical and field methods."
- Mr. Yoshi Banks (2007).
- Mr. Ryan Moniz (2007-2008).
- Mr. Jeff Tolentino (2008).
- Ms. Tonya Freeborn (2008).
- Mr. Matthew Lim (2008).
- Mr. José Cornejo (2008-2009).
- Mrs. Shima Shafiepour (2009).
- Ms. Parinaz Aghili (2009).
- Mr. Michael Alcantara (2010).
- Mr. Devinder Dhillon (2012).
- Mr. Feng Yu (2012).
- Mr. Erik Maroney (2014).
- Mr. Sasha Leidmann (2013).
- Mr. Joshua Cho (2015).
- Mr. Hayden Lee (2016).
- Mr. Terry Fung (2016).
- Mr. Julius Ratemo (2020).
- Ms. Jessica Ha (2021/22).
- Tzu Tung (Thomas) Chen and Zixuan (Andy) Wang (2023).
- Dr. Ali Abrishamchi, Ph.D., UC Davis (2006).
- Prof. Victor Calo, Professor (with tenure), Curtin University, Australia (2006-present).
- Prof. Ines Meireles, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Aveiro, Portugal (2007- present).
- Prof. Vitor Sousa, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Technical Institute of Lisbon, Portugal (2007-present).
- Prof. Jorge Matos, Technical Institute of Lisbon, Portugal (2007-present).
- Dr. Cristiane C. Battiston, Institute of Hydraulic Research, Porto Alegre, Brazil (2008- 2009).
- Dr. Goloka Behari Sahoo, Post-Doc, UC Davis (2009-2010).
- Prof. Michele Palermo, University of Pisa, Italy (2012-present).
- Prof. Stefano Pagliara, University of Pisa, Italy (2012-present).
- Prof. Joongcheol Paik, Associate Professor, South Korea (2013-present).
- Mr. Lixin Liang, Ph.D. student from Tsinghua University (2015-present).
- Prof. Seung Oh Lee, South Korea (2016-present).
- Prof. Carlo Gualtieri, University Federico II, Napoli, Italy (2013-present).
- Prof. Sergio Liscia, National University of La Plata (2014-present).
- Prof. Luis Castillo Elsitdié, Polytechnic University of Cartagena, Spain (2015-present).
- Mr. Simone Pagliara, ETH, Zurich (2021-present).
- Mr. Arash Massoudieh, CEE Department, March 5, 2004.
- Mr. Kramer Akli, Department of Applied Science. Thesis work: "Inertial confinement fusion: the fast ignition scheme," March 9, 2004.
- Mr. Ali Ercan, CEE Department, August 31, 2004.
- Mrs. Marisa Escobar, Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, December 1, 2004.
- Mrs. Lara Leininger, CEE Department (Structures Group), May 2005.
- Mr. Ismail Haltas, CEE Department, May 2005 (Chair of the exam Committee).
- Mr. Alireza Tabarrei, CEE Department (Structures Group), August 2005.
- Mrs. Andrea E. González, CEE Department, August 31, 2005.
- Mr. David Rosenberg, CEE Department, November 2005.
- Mr. Stanford Gibson, CEE Department, January 27, 2006.
- Mrs. Laura DiPalermo, CEE Department, May 5, 2006 (Chair of the exam Committee).
- Mr. Todd Steissberg, CEE Department, June 13, 2006.
- Mr. Marcelo Olivares, CEE Department, September 2006 (Chair of the exam Committee).
- Mr. Wesley Chen, CEE Department, September 2006.
- Mr. Tsun-Hua Yang, CEE Department, December 5, 2006. 41
- Mr. Stephen Andrews, CEE Department, February 20, 2007 (Chair of the exam Committee).
- Mr. Sanjeev K. Jha, CEE Department, March 20, 2007.
- Ms. Elcin Tan, CEE Department, December 2007.
- Mr. Dong Soon Park, CEE Department (Geotechnical Group), March 24, 2009.
- Mr. Ali Abrishamchi, CEE Department, April 13, 2009.
- Mrs. Kristin Reardon, CEE Department, April 14, 2009 (Chair of the exam Committee).
- Mr. Dane Behrens, CEE Department, May 19, 2009.
- Mr. Ehan Rasa, Land Air and Water Resources Department, May 27, 2009.
- Mrs. Hanieh Haeri, CEE Department, June 2009 (Chair of the exam Committee).
- Mr. James Polsinelli, Mathematics Department, July 7, 2009.
- Mrs. Kara Carr, CEE Department, July 14, 2009 (Chair of the exam Committee).
- Mr. Owen Ransom, CEE Department, February 18, 2010.
- Mr. Won Sik Choi, Land Air and Water Resources Department (Atmospheric Sciences), August 2, 2010.
- Mr. Kaveh Zamani, CEE Department, September 30, 2010.
- Mr. Tuan Le, CEE Department, March 16, 2011.
- Mr. Micah Fuller, CEE Department, March 17, 2011.
- Mr. Patricio Moreno, CEE Department, November 9, 2011.
- Mr. Dustig Bambic, CEE Department, May 31, 2012.
- Mr. Tyler Hatch, CEE Department, September 20, 2012.
- Mr. James Polsinelli, CEE Department, May 31, 2013.
- Mr. Toan Trinh, CEE Department, January 8, 2014.
- Mr. Juan Pablo Toro Labbé, CEE Department, December 5, 2014.
- Ms. Merve Gorguner, CEE Department, August 24, 2015.
- Ms. Frances Riviera-Hernández, Earth and Planetary Sciences, UC Davis, April 26, 2016.
- Mr. Tongbi Tu, CEE Department, August, 2016.
- Mr. Derek Roberts, CEE Department, February 17, 2017.
- Mrs. Alessia Siclari, CEE Department, March 20, 2017.
- Mr. Bohan Zhou, Mathematics Department, May 11, 2017.
- Ms. Lily Tomkovic, CEE Department, March 2, 2018.
- Ms. Alishan Kol, CEE Department, May 30, 2018.
- Ms. Anh Nugyen, CEE Department, July 28, 2018.
- Mr. Federico Zabaleta, CEE Department, September, 2019.
- Mr. Sergio Valbuena, CEE Department, May, 2020.
- Ms. Katie Stagl Hughes, CEE Department, June, 2020.
- Mr. Andrew Friedrichs, CEE Department, September 17, 2020.
- Mr. Micah Swann, CEE Department, November, 2021.
- Mr. Andrew Schmalenbach, CEE Department, August, 2022.
- Ms. Naditha Imbulana, CEE Department, September, 2022.
- Ms. Diane Wang, CEE Department, September, 2023.
- Mr. Kenneth Larrieu, CEE Department, October, 2023.
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Dr. Ali Abrishamchi |
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Prof. Ines Meireles, University of Averiro, Portugal |
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Mr. Vitor Sousa, Technical Superior Institute, Lisbon, Portugal |
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Ms. Cristiane Battiston, The Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil |
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Dr. Goloka Behari Sahoo, University of California, Davis |
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Prof. Jorge Matos, Technical Superior Institute, Lisbon, Portugal |
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Prof. Victor M. Calo, King Abdullah University of Science
and Technology, Saudi Arabia |
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Mr. Mariano de Dios, National University of La Plata, Argentina |
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Mr. Yoshi Banks (2007) |
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Mr. Ryan Moniz (2007-2008). Currently:
Student at Stanford University |
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Mr. Jeff Tolentino (2008) |
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Ms. Tonya Freeborn (2008) |
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Mr. Matthew Lim (2008) |
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Mr. José Cornejo (2008-2009) |
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Mr. Yang Jiang (summer 2011) |
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Mr. Devinder Dhillon (summer 2011) |
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Mr. Nicholas Chandler (summer and Fall quarter 2011) |
Last update: 07/15/2016